An amicable settlement is almost always preferred. Legal proceedings take a long time and are often very expensive. Mediation can be a good alternative. Together with a neutral mediator you enter into a dialogue with each other to find a good solution.
Often two or three conversations are sufficient, provided that both parties have the will to work it out together. Mediation is voluntary and confidential. What has been discussed in regard to the Mediation may not be submitted to the court. If it turns out that you cannot work things out together, you can still always decide to initiate proceedings.
Annemarie van Toorn is not only a lawyer but also an experienced mediator. Conversations can take place at the office in Bergen op Zoom but also at other locations if desired.
Do you have questions about Mediation or would you like to make an appointment? Feel free to contact us per email at or by phone at +31 (0) 10 8209 602.